Currently, there is misinformation circulating regarding the territorial claims of our Nation. It's true that an offer from the federal government was accepted by the Abenaki of Odanak Band Council last June. However, it's important to recognize the complexity of a territorial claims process: Finalization and ratification of the agreement: Currently, the federal government is [...]
On advance polling day on Saturday, November 18, 2023, and polling on November 25, 2023, all electors will be required to show ID. Any elector who brings a sealed envelope(s) containing a mail-in ballot of one or more other electors shall sign a sworn certificate at the time of delivery of the said envelope(s) and [...]
The First Nations Executive Education offers high-level programs that develop the skills of current and future leaders of communities, while aiming to promote and showcase the economic successes of First Nations. FNEE is currently in an intense recruitment period for the upcoming cohorts of the following programs: For entrepreneurs and business CEOs (starting on November [...]
2023 ELECTIONS | Election chairwoman’s availability
ELECTION CHAIRWOMAN'S AVAILABILITY UPDATED: (For ½ day, on site, at the administrative office of the Conseil des Abénakis d'Odanak, located at 104 rue Sibosis in Odanak, and by telephone, during these ½ days, at 450 568-2810.) Monday, November 6, 2023: 1:30 pm to 4 pm Monday, November 13, 2023: 1:30 pm to 4 pm
Projet d’application mobile de langue abénakise : Neg8nsosakilal8mow8gan – La voix de nos ancêtres (In French only)
La Nation abénakise est fière d'annoncer le lancement de son projet d'application mobile de langue abénakise intitulée « Neg8nsosakilal8mow8gan : la voix de nos ancêtres ». Ce projet, qui vise à revitaliser la langue abénakise, s'inscrit dans la poursuite des efforts déployés par les membres de la Nation pour préserver et promouvoir leur patrimoine culturel. [...]
2023 ELECTION | Unofficial list of candidates
Here is the unofficial list of candidates for the upcoming elections. The official list will be published on Thursday, October 12. AVAILABILITY OF THE PRESIDENT OF ELECTION : (For ½ day, on site, at the administrative office of the Conseil des Abénakis d'Odanak, located at 104 rue Sibosis in Odanak and by telephone, during these [...]