This notice concerns the compensation for survivors who attended federal Indian day schools or federal day schools funded, managed and controlled by Canada and listed such as St. Francis Academy (St. Joseph Academy), Pierreville Anglican/Protestant Abenaki Indian School, St. Francis Protestant, Anglican Church and St. Joseph’s.
The claim process was expected to commence on or about November 19, 2019, but due to a legal challenge to the Indian day-school regulations on the part of David Schulze (Partner, Dionne Schulze, S.E.N.C.S) on behalf of his client, a group member, the claims process is delayed for an indefinite period.
As soon as we get more information on this subject, we will keep you informed.
For more information about the ruling, please visit the following website:
If you have questions or need support, please dial 1-844-539-3815.
The Abenakis Council of Odanak