It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the Forum: Rejoin the Circle & Celebrate Earth Day!

What does it mean to be Abenaki in 2018?

As soon as we get together, something unique occurs. Let’s take a moment to celebrate our identity, our history and our culture, especially considering there are few Abenaki people on the planet. This is something we all have in common!

Our ancestors experienced many hardships, but we in 2018 are still here. Some of us are on the territory, others reside outside the territory, but above all, we are dispersed. For most of us, we almost never have the opportunity to gather and rejoin the circle. We rarely have the opportunity to interact with those who ask the same questions as us.

What does it mean to be Abenaki? What traditions do we identify with? What is our relationship and our vision of the territory? Can we be an Abenaki and live in an urban setting? What traditions do we hold dear and wish to preserve at all cost? Are there attributes or characteristics that have been forgotten over time and should be revived? What does it mean for us to be part of a community? Do we have a duty to remember?


Whether you have clear answers or not to these questions, this forum is for you!

On the occasion of Earth Day, April 22nd, we will be discussing the territory in particular. In addition, we will invite the communities of Odanak and Wôlinak to participate with us in an outdoor activity to proudly celebrate this very important day.


For whom?  Accessible primarily to young Abenakis, but open to all members of the communities of Odanak and Wôlinak.

When?          April 21 and 22, 2018.

Where?         At the Odanak community centre (58 Waban-Aki Street, Odanak, Québec)

  • Event in French and English
  • Accommodations available at the Kiuna Institution residences in Odanak. Please inform us if you are interested when you reply.
  • On-site meals

 If you wish to be part of the e-mail mailing list, or you need further information, or to register for the Forum, e-mail us at the following address: [email protected]


Organizing committee:
Hélène O’Bomsawin
Nicole O’Bomsawin
Suzie O’Bomsawin
Mandi Thompson
Annie O’Bomsawin-Bégin