Projet W 2022 : L’exposition interactive Lakamigwezo (In French only)
Après deux ans d’absence, c’est avec fébrilité et excitation que nous annonçons le retour du Projet W sous la forme d’un tout nouveau concept. Fidèle aux dernières éditions, le Projet W se veut une occasion de rendre hommage à la Nation abénakise par la diffusion et la présentation de sa culture. Et c’est avec ce même [...]
Congratulations to Michelle O’Bonsawin for successfully defending her PhD thesis
Her thesis is titled “A Principled Approach: The Mandatory Application of the Gladue Principles at Review Board Hearings”. The thesis was conducted under the supervision of our colleague from the Common Law Section, Dr. Joao Velloso, and the jury unanimously recommended it for an award. Madam Justice O’Bonsawin is an Abenaki of Odanak, and the [...]
QNW at a hearing for Bill 24 at the Quebec National Assembly
Marjolaine Étienne, President of Quebec Native Women (QNW), will be at a hearing today at 3:00 p.m. before the Commission des institutions at the Quebec National Assembly on Bill 24, An Act to amend the Act respecting the Québec correctional system to provide for the power to require that an offender be connected to a [...]
NEW SERVICE | Consultation with a health care professional
The Odanak Health Centre, in collaboration with the Abenaki Council of Odanak and the CIUSSS MCQ, is proud to announce the launch of a brand new pilot project! As of now, a satellite site of the GMF de Pierreville is accessible to members and non-members of the Odanak community, and this, within the health center. [...]
Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard are recruiting
Looking for a student job? Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard are recruiting! Apply to the Indigenous Student Employment Opportunity (ISEO) before February 2nd to be part of their first student recruitment wave for the summer of 2022. ISEO is the perfect way to gain experience and open doors for your future [...]