May 2022
VIDEO | Beyon borders – Awasiwi kakaniganek
As you know, on April 29th, the W8banaki Nation was invited by the University of Vermont to speak on the historical perspective of a piece of land they consider their unceded territory in and around the state of Vermont: a territory known as the Ndakina.
Indeed, the state of Vermont was marking the 10th anniversary of the recognition of four indigenous groups – a decision made in a political process from which the Odanak Abenaki were largely excluded.
For those who were unable to attend the event, it is now possible to view it online right here :
April 2022
Certificate in Native Law – Information Session on April 26
It is with great pleasure that we announce the arrival of a new program Indigenous law Certificate, which is the first online French-language Indigenous law program in Canada. It will offer Indigenous learners an introduction to the legal systems of different Indigenous peoples in Canada, which they will be encouraged to compare with Quebec and Canadian state-derived systems in certain key areas of law.
As indicated in the schedule, the first introductory course will be held in the territory and will discuss Indigenous law and state law to introduce the sources. The second part on state law will be held at the University of Ottawa. The presence of elders will be highly valued, with speakers who convey Indigenous culture regularly invited, to encourage the oral transfer of legal knowledge. Exceptionally, this course is offered to special Indigenous students who are not enrolled in the program, but who want to learn about Indigenous legal orders.
On April 26, 2022, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., there will be an information session on the Certificate in Native Law. The program and available scholarships for 2022-2023 will be presented. Here is the link to register for the information session:
IMPORTANT: The deadline for registration is June 30th.
March 2022
Free webinar for Indigenous People
The Canada Revenue Agency is pleased to be hosting a free and interactive webinar for Indigenous Peoples about the benefits and credits they could be eligible to receive.
Register here:
EVENT | Beyond Borders – Awasiwi kakaniganek
It has been a decade since the Vermont’s government recognized four groups of Vermonters as Native American tribes – a decision made in a political process from which the Abenkaki of Odanak First Nation was largely excluded.
On this tenth anniversary of state recognition, the University of Vermont welcomes the Abenaki of Odanak and their New England relatives to share their historical perspective on land they consider to be their unceded territory in and adjacent to the Green Mountain State: a homeland known as Ndakina.
The event is free and open to all and can be attended in-person or remotely.
Register now :