February 2023
Appel à candidatures | Baccalauréat en droit de l’UQAM (In French only)
Le Département des sciences juridiques de l’UQAM est heureux d’annoncer cette année encore que quatre places sont réservées au sein de son programme de baccalauréat en droit à des étudiantes et à des étudiants autochtones âgées et âgés de 21 ans et plus et comptant l’équivalent d’au moins deux années d’expérience professionnelle, d’engagement social ou communautaire (rémunéré ou non), auprès de conseils, groupes ou organisations autochtones. Ces quatre places sont à combler pour la rentrée de l’automne 2023.
Pour connaître les conditions d’admission et le processus de sélection des candidat(e)s autochtones, cliquez ici.
La date limite pour soumettre une candidature est le 1er mars 2023. (Les admissions pour ces places réservées n’ont lieu que pour le trimestre d’automne.)
January 2023
The elected officials of the Abenaki Council of Odanak wish to obtain your opinion on the possibility of adhering to the First Nations Elections Act rather than remaining under the election provisions of the Indian Act.
The major point of joining the First Nations Elections Act would be to increase the term of office of elected officials from 2 years to 4 years. We invite you to look at the comparative table to compare the different provisions between the two laws.
A discussion on this subject will take place at the next public assembly scheduled for April 5, 2023, at 6:30 p.m. at the Odanak community Hall. Members will be able to join in person or virtually at this meeting.
December 2022
November 2022
Michelle O’Bonsawin: An Abenaki at the Supreme Court of Canada
Yesterday, in Ottawa, the welcoming ceremony of the new Supreme Court of Canada judge, Justice Michelle O’Bonsawin, took place. The entire W8banaki Nation of Odanak is extremely proud that a W8banakiak from the community is the very first Indigenous judge to sit on the highest court in the country.
In addition to being a highly respected judge in the Canadian legal community, Ms. O’Bonsawin’s career and accomplishments are remarkable and it is an invaluable honour to have such an ambassador for our Nation.
Our most sincere congratulations!