FNIYES | 2024 National Science Camp

A National Science Camp, organized as part of First Nations and Inuit Youth Employment Strategy (FNIYES), will be held in Northwest Territories from 19th to 23rd August 2024 and will bring together Aboriginal youth from across Canada. Participants must be aged between 12 and 15 and live on reserve. All costs related to participation to

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INVITATION | Salon Carrières Santé et Services sociaux (In French only)

C’est avec enthousiasme que le Centre d’amitié autochtone de Trois-Rivières (CAATR) et le Bureau de responsabilité sociale de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal vous invitent au Salon Carrières Santé et Services sociaux qui se tiendra à Trois-Rivières, le vendredi 17 mars prochain. Pour toute question ou besoin d’aide pour l’inscription, communiquez avec

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Programme de bourses TC Énergie 2022 (In French only)

Il est maintenant temps d’envoyer votre candidature au programme de bourses TC Énergie 2022. Programme de bourses d’études de TC Énergie : Le programme est maintenant ouvert et les candidatures sont acceptées jusqu’à la fin de la journée du 6 mai 2022. Trois types de bourses différentes sont proposés : Bourses pour étudiants en métiers (2 500

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Primary and secondary school students from First Nations Education Council (FNEC) member schools are invited to participate in the “Winter Family Activities” drawing competition. The winning designs will be used in the production of greeting cards for the holiday season and also to illustrate various projects within the FNEC. The winners will be divided as

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Solar Ship Internship Opportunity for Indigenous Youth in Quebec

There’s an internship opportunity for Indigenous youth from Quebec at Solar Ship Inc. The internship’s goal is to foster connections between Indigenous youth in Canada and Indigenous youth in Malawi, Africa. It’s an 8 week, paid internship with a focus on aerospace engineering. Although experience in this field (i.e., studying it in university) would be

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Contest for Orange Shirt Day | VOTE for best drawing

It is now time to vote for your favourite drawing! The winner will be featured on the shirts that will be sold throughout Canada for the Orange Shirts Day on September 30, 2021. Four finalists were selected amongst hundreds of drawings submitted for this contest. Here is the link to vote: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/orangeshirtday2021 You have until

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The contest is open to all First Nations youth across Canada. You have until March 31, 2021, to submit your artwork. You have the chance to win $500, as well as your artwork featured nationally on the shirts that will be sold throughout Canada for the Orange Shirt Day on September 30, 2021. For more

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UQAM is offering four reserved spots for indigenous students aged 21 and older, with the equivalent of two years of professional experience or indigenous social engagement. Check the admission requirements and selection process here. Application deadline: March 1, 2024 For further information, contact [email protected], specifying “Admission based on indigenous experiences” in the subject line.

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INVITATION | Salon Carrières Santé et Services sociaux (In French only)

C’est avec enthousiasme que le Centre d’amitié autochtone de Trois-Rivières (CAATR) et le Bureau de responsabilité sociale de la Faculté de médecine de l’Université de Montréal vous invitent au Salon Carrières Santé et Services sociaux qui se tiendra à Trois-Rivières, le vendredi 17 mars prochain. Pour toute question ou besoin d’aide pour l’inscription, communiquez avec

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Appel à candidatures | Baccalauréat en droit de l’UQAM (In French only)

Le Département des sciences juridiques de l’UQAM est heureux d’annoncer cette année encore que quatre places sont réservées au sein de son programme de baccalauréat en droit à des étudiantes et à des étudiants autochtones âgées et âgés de 21 ans et plus et comptant l’équivalent d’au moins deux années d’expérience professionnelle, d’engagement social ou

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